Our services
Strategic and hands on, our consultants are able to develop key initiatives from concept to execution. We have an expertise in identifying critical issues that need to be addressed, building coalitions and communities of practice around those issues, developing and executing programs for strategic intervention, and identifying a sustainability plan.
Services include:
Program Design and Implementation
Community Philanthropy and Community Engagement
Organizational Assessments and Evaluation
Learning Communities and Network Building Supports
Diversity and Equity Audits, Assessments, and Initiative Design
Research, Writing, and Policy Analysis
We've worked on some great projects and have been lucky enough to witness the dedication and passion of leaders who know how to get the job done. This partial list below focuses on philanthropy consultants — our bedrock — but we can provide more information on other sector partners by request.
ABFE: A Philanthropic Partnership for Black Communities
The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Coalition of Community Foundations for Youth/CFLeads
Community Foundations of America
Community Foundation Opportunity Network
The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven
DC Bar Foundation
Detroit Children's Fund/The Skillman Foundation
Economic Opportunity Funders
Grantmakers for Education
Hampton Roads Community Foundation
Independent Sector
Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative/The Annie E. Casey Foundation
Kresge Foundation
McKnight Foundation
The 2004 New England Conference on Black Philanthropy
Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity
Tides Network
The Rhode Island Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Workforce Matters
Youth Transition Funders Group